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Design Technology - exploring cogs and mechanisms. Future engineers and excellent team work skills shown by all Year 5 pupils.
Winning Designers - Future Engineers!
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Year 5 pupils work as "one team". We aim to be kind and helpful throughout the day to earn Green Cards.
Autumn Term Visit for Class 5 - Centre of Life in Newcastle. Focus Space Exploration to extend our Science topic work.
Activities: Space survival workshop, planetarium and live theatre show.
Spring Term Visit : Captain Cook Museum - Polar Exploration Workshop - Geography skills extended.
Summer Term : Beamish Outdoor Air Museum - History skills - James White study - life of a coal miner.
Year 5 Beamish Visit Summer Term To Look Forward to. History Investigative Workshop carried out:
Beamish Year 5 Summer Visit - Pupils carry out a mining investigation to link with our history topic on County Durham. Pupils are excited to visit the mines and discover life as a miner. In fact they are relieved they can return to school rather than work the mines like Victorian pupils!
The Beamish Visit is a real highlight of the year for Class 5 and we all dress up to match the historic period we are studying and act out roles for the day.
Class 5 pupils can take part in small group brass lessons provided by Durham Music Service.
Interactive Learning
Year 5 pupils work on their building learning power skills through interactive learning opportunities.
This term pupils have been acting out the rotation of The Earth and Moon in relation to the Sun.
Year 5 Team !
Current Class 5 - team building in creative drama lessons.
Enjoyment through learning!
The Highwayman is used to inspire musical compositions. Pupils work in collaborative groups.
Team work is a big element in Year 5 and we use our building learning power skills to achieve this across the curriculum.
Watch Planet Earth on BBC i Player to appreciate the world we live in!
Here is an example of a Year 5 child's creative writing - factional writing:
Have you ever wanted to find a unicorn?
Become famous and track down some of the most dangerous beasts. One of the most extra ordinary unicorns is The Dark Rider. However are you up for the test?
Would you be able to recognise a Dark Rider if you saw one? Unsurprisingly they are like like most unicorns with a long sleek, muscular body, a long sharp horn and perceptive eyesight. Amazingly, they are dark cloak black colour with swirling grey misty patterns all over their body.
Read our Big Write books to discover more creative ideas
Watch our Beamish Trip videos above to see a fantastic highlight of Year 5!
Music Mania! See our musical compositions from the videos above and below.