EYFS - Nursery and Reception!
Welcome to the EYFS!
We have plenty of fun, whilst learning lots, inside and outside.
The Reception and Nursery children have had a great Autumn Term and excited about their new topic all about vehicles!
We really enjoy and benefit from outdoor learning, especially on our visits to 'The Woodlands', where we can learn whilst having lots of fun. There will be lots more exciting activities to take part in as the year progresses.
The children love the role play areas that we have.
How do we teach Phonics, Reading and Writing?
Please see our PowerPoint.
Our outside classroom is a busy place, what ever the weather! Outside water play is great fun and we love investigating how it can move! The mud kitchen and digging area are also very popular, but we need to remember to wear wellies and an apron! We have lots of different things in our Tuff Spots and make great constructions with our hollow blocks and other resources.
Our 2 canopies make our outdoor learning more pleasurable when it is rainy, and we can keep lots of resources dry under them.
Each term we will upload a letter outlining the things that we expect to do.
This term our topic is 'Colour and Celebrations'.
We have been finding our about Shabbat and have spent lots of time sorting and mixing colours.
The children are looking forward to Christmas, but we have told them it is not until December!
In Early Years we enjoy visits out and visitors! We have already had a visit from Mrs McPhie, who works for Feeding Families and she talked to us about what they do.
Reception have been for a walk around Sedgefield, looking at different types of houses and will be going on a visit to Locomotion in February.
Both Nursery and Reception will be off for a trip in the Summer Term.
Parent/carers are the children's first educators and we know that this does not stop when children starts in the EYFS. Through our home/school books we send home activities to support and develop on what the children have been doing in school, as well as give parents/carers the opportunity to share their child's achievements and adventures.
In Nursery and Reception the curriculum is very much play based and although we have topics for each half term we try to also follow the children's interests, where possible. The children are really 'learning' whilst with us!
Through child initiated and adult led activities the children develop their skills in the Prime Areas of Learning (Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Communication and Language, and Physical Development) and Specific Areas of Learning (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts & Design).
The children learn the basic skills of focusing on a given task, sharing equipment, working together (or individually), listening to others and taking turns; all of which will give them a really solid foundation as they progress through school.