Sedgefield Primary School

  1. School Info
  2. Our Classes
  3. Year 2

 Y e a r  T w o

We try to do our best at all times, even when we find some things difficult.

AutumnTerm 1 


The children, Mr Eltringham, Mrs Dixon and Mrs Rooks would like to welcome you to our class page.


Year 2 work hard in all our lessons. We aim to have fun whilst we are learning, be safe at all times and be happy to be in school.


The class page will be updated throughout the year to showcase all the great things that the children are busy learning. 


Please keep checking the page for any updates.

News Letter

Diary Dates

                          Summer Term

Wednesday 4th September          School year begins

Tuesday 10th September              Meet the Teacher

Friday 13th September                 Back to School Carnival

Wednesday 2nd October              Hardwick Primary Visit to Y2

Thursday 10th October                PTFA Halloween Disco

Thursday 17th October               Trip to Auckland Castle

Monday 21st October                   Photographs

                                                    Parents' Evening

Wednesday 23rd October           Parents' Evening

Friday 25th October                   Break up for Half Term

Monday 4th November               Return after Half Term

Friday 15th November               Children In Need

Friday 22nd November              Christmas Market

Wednesday 4th December        Christmas Lunch

Thursday 5th December            Infant Nativity

Friday 6th December                 Infant Nativity

Monday 16th December             Year 1/2 Party

Thursday 19th December         Break up for Christmas

Wednesday 25th December      Santa Visits

Monday 6th January                Spring Term Begins


The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch


This half term we are reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. It follows the story of Mr Grinling and his troubles with the pesky seagulls pinching his lunch.

How will he manage to receive his delicious sandwiches?

Year 2 will use this text to begin to develop their ability to describe settings and create their own solutions to the pesky seagull problem.


Contact Details

My email address is


Year 2 started their first science Topic (Materials) by finding materials in the classroom, and outside, and their everyday uses.

Fundamental Movement Skills


This term we are developing a range of sporting skills: agility, hand-eye coordination, throwing, catching, rolling and balance.

Maths Problem Solving

Year 2 are developing their problem solving skills on a weekly basis. We have begun the year exploring place value problems.