Sedgefield Primary School

  1. Maths


Our Maths Leader is Mrs E Smith.

Our Maths governors are Mr D Waters and Mr S Reed-Patchett.

Children at Sedgefield Primary are taught Maths every day. The children focus on one aspect of maths for a block of time before moving on.  This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of the aspects covered. In Maths lessons, children use manipulatives and pictorial representations to ensure they have secure understanding of concepts. There is also a focus on applying learning in different ways, problem solving and reasoning.

When children leave Sedgefield Primary we would like them to be able to:

  • Enjoy learning in Maths, strive to reach their full potential and have a positive attitude.
  • Be able to retrieve key facts of information from memory and know strategies to work out how to solve calculations.
  • Have the confidence and curiosity to ask questions and solve problems, showing resilience when something is difficult.
  • Have a secure foundation of mathematical knowledge and skills in order to be ready for the next stage in their learning.

White Rose Maths (  and other resources are used.

Click on the year group below for their long term plan for maths:

EYFS, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

For more information about the Maths curriculum, please contact Mrs Smith via the school office 01740 620359,