Sedgefield Primary School

  1. English


Our English Subject Leader is Mrs S Smith

Our English Governors are Mrs N Neal and Mr A Brown.

We aim to empower pupils through literacy and language across English and the whole curriculum.  Language and literacy are of personal, social and economic importance.  Our ability to use language lies at the centre of the development and expression of our emotions, our thinking, our learning and our sense of personal identity.  Therefore, literacy and language are at the heart of all our learning at Sedgefield.


The acquisition and application of language skills permeates the learning experiences we offer.  To achieve this all teachers actively seek meaningful opportunities across the curriculum for children to apply and extend their language skills.  Activities that address critical literacy outcomes enable children to make informed decisions and develop evidenced-based attitudes that will be of life-long use.  Providing pupils with the literacy skills to access such activities is an essential aspect of all our English teaching.  From the basics of regular phonics teaching, to the advanced skills of changing formality in writing and using semi-colons, our school offers the key skills to enable children to be literate rich.  A love of books and stories is a further implementation of our English curriculum.  This enjoyment commences in our EYFS setting where children listen to and re-tell stories on a daily basis.  Challenging texts which enrich pupil language and knowledge are used further up the school during whole class literacy lessons and guided reading sessions.

Children have opportunities to explain their thinking, debate their ideas and read and write at a level which engages and challenges them.  Creative thinking is best developed when teachers offer children opportunities to share views through listening, reading, speaking or writing and can respond spontaneously to children’s ideas.  At Sedgefield Primary effective teaching has teacher and learner working in a dynamic partnership, where discussion of the next steps and the level of support is a central part of the process.  Individual English targets form part of this process. Valuable collaboration can be between learners, as well as between learners and teachers.  Talk partners is an effective tool which our children integrate within their learning, promoting a language rich culture.

The firm family community feel of Sedgefield Primary enables our children to become responsible citizens, showing a tolerance for their peers and a growing awareness of their place in a global, cultural setting.  This is an asset which we actively promote within our English teaching.

When they leave we expect:

  • Sedgefield Primary pupils to have a high level of spoken, read and written language through all areas of the curriculum.
  • SEND pupils to achieve their full potential due to being given equal access and opportunities through a supportive individualised programme of catch-up work.
  • That pupils are able to listen to, speak, write, read and reflect on a growing number of worldwide topics, enriching their cultural capital. 
  • That our pupils are highly articulate and confident communicators, who demonstrate a love of English.

To access information about our plans for reading and writing, please click below:

Reading Plan

Writing Plan

 For more information about the English curriculum, please contact Mrs Smith via the school office 01740 620359,