Sedgefield Primary School

  1. Computing


Our Computing Subject Leader is Mrs A Thompson

Our Computing Governor is Mr A Brown

Through the teaching of Computing, the children are equipped with all the necessary skills that will enable them to become independent learners.   Through using a variety of software and hardware the children will be confident for the future where technology plays a part in everyday living.

A broad and deep curriculum is offered, with many opportunities for the Computing skills to be used in other curriculum areas.   Planning includes opportunities for children to exceed their age-related expectations.

Key skills taught each year:

  • Data—Pupils use their developing skills to use databases, spreadsheets and to electronically create graphs.
  • Digital Exploration—Pupils use their developing skills to use a variety of safe search engines, whilst developing their understanding as to how to modify searches and create hyperlinks.
  • Digital Imagery—Pupils use their developing skills to create simple animations, photographic storyboards and to change and manipulate images that they have taken.
  • Multimedia— Pupils use their developing skills to create presentation incorporating sounds, video and graphics.
  • Music and Sound— Pupils use their developing skills to use music software to create imaginative sound stories and backing tracks.
  • Programming, Coding and Controlling—This area provides the children with skills to control simple programmable toys to creating their own programs using simple coding elements. 

Along with these skills Computing safety underpins each of the skills areas so that they understand the principles of keeping safe when using new technologies both at school and at home.

At Sedgefield Primary, our Computing curriculum and opportunities aim to improve outcomes for children in this area of study and also enhance their work and progress across all subjects where technology is used. Children become digitally literate and are ready to confidently use technology at home and at school. Children in the Early Years have access to a range of devices and remote - controlled toys and resources so that they can explore simple technologies independently and use them in their learning and play. Children across school are encouraged to use technology where appropriate to support their learning in all subjects and to share their work on relevant platforms.

Please click below to find out more information about the teaching of computing:


Progression of skills   


PlansEYFS   Year 1    Year 2   Year 3    Year 4    Year 5    Year 6

To link to the Internet Safety page, click here.

For more information about the Computing curriculum, please contact Mrs Thompson via the school office 01740 620359,